Monday, September 5, 2022

Welcome to the start of a new school year!

Where has the year gone? I’ve clearly lost track of time since the last time I posted was in January. COVID-19 has continued to impact us all in ever-changing ways, confounding recommendations on how best to contain the spread and manage outbreaks. Hopefully we are learning how to live with this virus that seems to be with us to stay. It appears that the Office of Child and Family Services is no longer posting regular COVID-19 updates on its website but rather referring providers to the FAQ, which is updated frequently:

Providers are also being directed to the U.S. CDC for updated guidance:

Although this document is the last OCFS update from spring 2022, it is still relevant:

On another more positive topic, those of us who provide consultation through private practices are working on formation of a network to share resources and best practices. One of my colleagues from northern Maine is hosting several conferences for early childhood education and care providers.

To sign up for both sessions:

To sign up individually:

Dates: Topic 1 - October 5th and Topic 2 - October 12th

Times: Topic 1: 10/5/2022 6:30-8:30 p.m. =2 hours Continuing education 

Topic 2: 10/12/2022 6:30-8:30 p.m. =2 hours continuing education 

Topic 1: Behavioral Health in the Early Childhood Setting with child psychiatrist Julie Balaban, MD.

Topic 2: Understanding and assessing normal childhood speech and language development with SLP Brittany Bubar CCC-SLP

This is a wonderful opportunity to learn about these topics, ask questions, get advice from experts, and hear how other providers handle situations.

Wishing you a smooth, safe, and healthy start to the school year!

Warm regards,
