Sunday, March 22, 2020

COVID-19 Updates 3/22/2020

These are uncertain times for everyone, and with the rapidly changing situation it is difficult to determine if or when to limit or close programs temporarily. I commend you for your dedication to the families you serve and understand your concern for one another. Given the 24/7 information flow, the recommendation to end classroom instruction and maintain physical distancing (I concur with Dr. Nirav Shah that we need to maintain social and emotional connection), and the knowledge that many frontline workers still need reliable child care, I empathize with your feelings of confusion and conflict. I encourage you to take this situation one day at a time, basing your decisions on the most current available evidence in collaboration with Child Care Licensing (287-5020) and the Maine CDC (1-800-821-5821). For specific questions about individual exposure, personal health care providers should be contacted. That means if one of your staff or families has a possible exposure, they should contact their provider and communicate recommendations to you. As this situation unfolds, please remember to be gentle with yourselves and know that you are doing the best you can.

Stay well!


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